Manrose 110 x 54mm Airbrick Adaptor - White

Manrose 110 x 54mm Airbrick Adaptor - White: Manufacturers Guarantee: 3 Years
Sale price£4.28

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54mm Airbrick Adaptor - WhiteAt PJTC Ltd, we can fit the54mm Airbrick Adaptor - White Manrose 110 x 54mm Airbrick Adaptor - White Ducting product to your kitchen.54mm Airbrick Adaptor - White Please add this to our wishlist or buy this product, and PTJC can fit this for you. 54mm Airbrick Adaptor - WhiteIf you require any more information, don't hesitate to get in touch with PJTC.54mm Airbrick Adaptor - White

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